Monday, August 11, 2014

A Garden Party to Remember

Saturday, July 26th was a perfect, beautiful summer day in Lynden, WA. Over 100 guests attended Days for Girls' 5th Annual Garden Party at the Bachman Estate. Guests from everywhere from Uganda to Lynden spoke passionately about this cause. The event was a great success, raising over $12,000 for DfG.

Special Information for Chapters and Teams: #OperationGirl

Hello Chapters and Teams! You are about to witness history in the making: Days for Girls has the opportunity to win $50,000. We're playing to win here ( you know how we roll), and we can totally do it...with your help!

Here is a how-to for Chapters and Teams to raise support and awareness through #OperationGirl:

1. Go here

2. Scroll down and click the black "Fundraise for this Campaign" button. 

3. Sign up for an account, and enter your Chapter/Team name, along with a picture (only if you want to show us your smiling faces).

4. Send the link for YOUR Chapter/Team page (the one you just set up) to all your friends and family. Ask them to donate, because they love you, and they love Days for Girls.

5. All the funds that you raise on your Chapter/Team page will go directly to your Chapter/Team. Yeup. All of 'em. It's that simple!

Any questions? Please contact

A Product Line of Our Very Own

We're big on sustainability. It's why our kits last 2-3 years! Sustainability, however, is about more than just the products and exceptional programs we're proud to put into the world; it's also about how we operate.

In the next year, Days for Girls will be launching a product line of comfortable, sporty, happy underwear, as well as hygiene kits for sale in the US. This product line will help support our efforts throughout the world, so that we can support our quickly growing family, and continue earning back days of dignity, health, and education for girls and women everywhere.

We'd love to hear your thoughts as we move forward in this exciting venture. You are invited to fill out the following survey, which concerns ideas for a product line name, and your thoughts on underwear design, etc. If you have other questions, please do not hesitate to contact